description: Sahamati certification Test Scenarios for Financial Information Provider
POST /Accounts/discover API for DEPOSIT
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for TERM_DEPOSIT
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as TERM_DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for RECURRING_DEPOSIT
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as RECURRING_DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for SIP
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as SIP success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for CP
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as CP success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for GOVT_SECURITIES
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as GOVT_SECURITIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for EQUITIES
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as EQUITIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for BONDS
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as BONDS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for DEBENTURES
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as DEBENTURES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for MUTUAL_FUNDS
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as MUTUAL_FUNDS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for ETF
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as ETF success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for IDR
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as IDR success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for CIS
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as CIS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for AIF
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as AIF success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for INSURANCE_POLICIES
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as INSURANCE_POLICIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for NPS
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as NPS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for INVIT
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as INVIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for REIT
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as REIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for OTHER
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as OTHER success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for GSTR1_3B
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as GSTR1_3B success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for All Supported FIType
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with all supported FIType success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API for combination of All Supported FIType
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with combination supported FIType(sampling rate 2) success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data.
POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect strong customer identifier
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect strong customer identifier error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NoAccountsFound
POST /Accounts/discover API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API success response is received with txnid tracebility,API version and timestamp.
Http status code should be 200 in request and response should be same
POST /Accounts/discover API with weak identifier
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with weak identifier error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/discover API with ancilliary identifier
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with ancilliary identifier error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid customer id
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid customer id error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect timestamp value
Verify on making valid request to /POST /Accounts/discover API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect ver value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /Account/discover API with all identifier
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with all 3 type identifier success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data.
Http status code should be 200
POST /Account/discover API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid JWS signature error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Account/discover API with different AA customer id
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with customer id belonging to different AA error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Account/discover API with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with valid customer details and invalid api key, error response is received
Http status code should be 401
POST /Account/discover API with JWS signature and aa api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with valid customer details with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA, error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link with sigle account details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with single account details success response is received with JSON structure.
Http status code should be 200 and response body should be valid according to spec
POST /Accounts/link API with invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link API with invalid customer id
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with invalid customer id error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect timestamp value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect ver value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /Accounts/link API with unmasked account number
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with unmasked account number error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound
POST /Accounts/link API with invalid account details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with invalid account details(i.e.,Fitye, accType) error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound
POST /Accounts/link API with account details of two different user
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with account details of two different user (i.e. account mapped to 2 different identifier) error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound
POST /Accounts/link API as alternate AA
Verify on making valid POST /Accounts/link API request as alternate AA with details of regular AA error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/delink API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API success response is received.
Http status code should be 200 status should be DELINKED
POST /Accounts/delink API invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/delink API invalid customerAddress
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid customerAddress error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: invalid customerAddress format Error code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: customerAddress and linkRefNumber not mapped Error code: InvalidLinkRefNumber
POST /Accounts/delink API incorrect timestamp value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid ver value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid linkRefNumber
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid linkRefNumber error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkRefNumber
POST /Accounts/delink API request twice
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API twice and success response should recive with DELINKED sttaus for first request.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkRefNumber
POST /Accounts/delink API as alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API as alternate AA with selected detils of regular AA error response is received
Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: customerAddress from different AA Error code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: linkRefNumber for different AA Error code: InvalidLinkRefNumber
POST /Accounts/link/verify API valid for valid token and RefNumber
Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API for a valid token and RefNumber by linking a single account success response is received.
Http status code should be 200 status should be LINKED
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and valid RefNumber
Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and valid RefNumber error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkToken
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and invalid RefNumber
Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and invalid RefNumber error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and invalid RefNumber
Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and invalid refNumber error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with as Alternate AA
Verify on making valid POST /Accounts/link/verify request as alternate AA with details of regular AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: signature generated from alternate AA error-code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: RefNumber generated for alternate AA error-code : InvalidRequest sub-case 3: token generated for alternate AA error-code: InvalidLinkToken
POST /Account/Link API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with invalid JWS signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid JWS signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid JWS signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Account/Link API with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with valid customer and single account detail with invalid api key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /Account/Link API with regular AA and alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with account detail with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 401 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid api key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /Accounts/delink API with regular AA and alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with account detail with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber linking a account with invalid api key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber with regular AA and alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber linking a account with JWS signature of regular A and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Accounts/link/verify API invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API success response is received.
Http status code should be 200
POST /Consent API invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API invalid timestamp format
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid timestamp format error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with non UUID consenId
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with non UUID consent id error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with future time in createTimestamp
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with future time in createTimestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid consent Span time
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid consent span time error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid data consumer and data provider id
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid data consumer and data provider id error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid customerAddress format
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid customerAddress format error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with each valid purpose object
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with each valid purpose object success response is received.
Http status code should be 200
POST /Consent API with invalid Accounts
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with one valid and one invalid account details error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid FIDataRange
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid FIDataRange error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid DataLife
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid DataLife error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid Frequency
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid Frequency error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature in signedConsent
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature in sigendConsent error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Consent API with invalid ConsentUse
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid ConsentUse error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with repeated consentId
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with existing consentId error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid purpose
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid Purpose error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid ver
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /Consent/Notification API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API success response is received.
Http status code should be 200
POST /Consent/Notification API invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent/Notification API with incorrect timestamp value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with 15min variation in timestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent/Notification API with incorrect ver value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with incorrect ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid notifier value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with invalid notifier error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidNotifier
POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid ConsentStatusNotification value
Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with invalid ConsentStatusNotification error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid JWS Signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid JWS Signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /Consent API with signedConsent of alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with signed consent of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent API with details of alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with details of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent/Notification API with details of alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with details of alternate AA error response is received.
sub-case 1: consent detail of alternate AA Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest sub-case 2: Notifier id of alternate AA Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidNotifier
POST /Consent API with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid api key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /Consent API with alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid api key
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid api key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /Consent/Notification API with alternate AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API success response is received.
Http status code should be 200
POST /FI/request API with invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with invalid timestamp format
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid timestamp format error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with invalid ver
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with incorrect ver error response is received.
Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion
POST /FI/request API with variation in timestamp
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with 15min variation in timestamp field error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with invalid consentObject
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid consentObject error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1:Random UUID as consentId Error-code:InvalidConsentId sub-case 2:ConsentId generated for different AA Error-code:InvalidConsentId sub-case 3:extra char at valid digitalSignature Error-code:signatureDoesNotMatch sub-case 4:Signature generated using different key error-code:signatureDoesNotMatch
POST /FI/request API with invalid FIDataRange
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid FIDataRange error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidDateRange
POST /FI/request API with invalid keyMaterials
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid keyMaterials error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidKey
POST /FI/fetch API with valid details
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API success response is received.
Http status code should be 200
POST /FI/fetch API with invalid session id
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid session id error response is received.
Http status code to be 400 Error-code is InvalidSessionId
POST /FI/request API for inactive consent
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for inactive consent error response is received.
sub-case 1:FI request for paused consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentPaused sub-case 2:FI request for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 3:FI request for revoked consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentRevoked sub-case 4:FI request for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 5:FI request for consent having start time 2 hrs future Http code : 400 Error code:InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API for different consentModes
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for different consent modes success response is received.
Http status code to be 200
POST /FI/request API for consent allowing fetch only once
Verify on making two valid request to POST /FI/request API for different Fetch type error response is received.
For fetchType as ONETIME Http-code : 400 or 403 Error-code : InvalidConsentUse or ConsentExpired For fetchType as Periodic Http-code: 400 Error-code:InvalidConsentUse
POST /FI/fetch API with combinations of consentType
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for all combinations of consentType success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema
Http status code to be 200
POST /FI/fetch API for each month
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for each month for last one year success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema
Http status code to be 200
POST /FI/fetch API with combinations of DataFilter
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for all combinations of DataFilter success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema
Http status code to be 200
POST /FI/fetch API for inactive consent
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for inactive consent error response is received.
sub-case 1:FI fetch for paused consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentPaused sub-case 2:FI fetch for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 3:FI fetch for revoked consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentRevoked sub-case 4:FI fetch for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired
POST /FI/request API for dilinked accounts
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for delinked accounts error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 error code should be invalidRequest
POST /FI/fetch API for dilinked accounts
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for delinked accounts error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid JWS signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /FI/fetch API with invalid JWS signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid JWS signature error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /FI/request API with non matching consentId and digital signature
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with non matching consentId and digital signature error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch
POST /FI/request API with consent details of different AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with consent details of different AA error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidConsentId
POST /FI/fetch API with consent details of different AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with consent details of different AA error response is received
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidConsentId
POST /FI/fetch API with invalid API key
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid API key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /FI/fetch API with API key of different AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with API key of different AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/request API with invalid API key
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid API key error response is received.
Http status code should be 401
POST /FI/request API with API key of different AA
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with API key of different AA error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/fetch API invalid schematic value for each field
Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received.
Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest
POST /FI/fetch API with invalid sessionId
Verify that on sending a FI fetch request with invalid sessionId
Subcase1 : HTTP should be 400 with InvalidRequest Subcase 2,3,4: HTTP should be 400 with InvalidSessionId
GET /Heartbeat API
Verify on making valid request to GET /Heartbeat API success response is received.
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for Single account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for double account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user in All supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for Single account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for double account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Full Flow
Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user in All supported FIType success response is received for each API
Http status code shoule be 200
Last updated