CR FIP Schema

Schema for Central Registry entity type FIP

Field NameDefinitionExample


Name of the entity as submitted while listing itself in the CR.

“Goods and Service Tax”


ID, as issued by the CR, to the entity



ID, as issued by the financial sector regulator, regulating that entity.


Identifiers – category

Relevant only for FIPs. To be read in conjunction with identifier type. Every FIP can declare one or more identifiers that it allows end-users to present, for account discovery.


Identifiers- type

Relevant only for FIPs. To be read in conjunction with identifer category. Every FIP can declare one or more identifiers that it allows end-users to present, for account discovery. Atleast one of the identifiers must be of type - Strong.



The URL of the FIP service that hosts all ReBIT-compliant API endpoints



Relevant only for FIPs in the CR. The Financial information types (from the master list of schemas published by ReBIT) that the FIP currently supports account-linking and data-sharing for.



The ports of the FIP that the AA can connect to.



The ports of the FIP that the AA can expect to receive requests from.



The IP addresses of the FIP that the AA can send and receive requests to.



The X.509 Digital Certificate issued to the AA by a Certificate Authority (JSON Web Key format)

"alg": "RS256", "e": "AQAB", "kid": "1b94c", "kty": "RSA", "n": "vrjOfz9Ccdgx5nQudyhdoR17V-IubWMeOZCwX_jj0hgAsz2J_pqYW08PLbK_PdiVGKPrqzmDIsLI7sA25VEnHU1uCLNwBuUiCO11_-7dYbsr4iJmG0Qu2j8DsVyV1azpJC_NG84Ty5KKthuCaPod7iI7w0LK9orSMhBEwwZDCxTWq4aYWAchc8t-emd9qPvWtVMDC2BXksRngh6X5bUYLy6AyHKvj-nUy1wgzjYQDwHMTplCoLtU-o-8SNnZ1tmRoGE9uJkBLdh5gFENabWnU1m1ZqZPdwS-qo-meMvVfJb6jJVWRpl2SUtCnYG2C32qvbWbjZ_jBPD5eunqsIo1vQ", "use": "sig"

tokeninfo – url

The URL of the Token Issuance Service of the entity that other entities can connect to, to get API tokens. This can be ignored for now.


tokeninfo - maxcalls

Ignore for now


tokeninfo - desc

Ignore for now


gsp - id

The ID issued to a GSP, acting as an FIP gateway for GSTN


gsp - name

The name of the GSP acting as an FIP gateway for GSTN

Some Services Pvt. Ltd

gsp - ip

The IP that the AAs can connect to, for the GSP listed above.

gsp - url

The URL that the AAs need to whitelist for endpoints belonging to the GSP listed above.

signature – signValue

Ignore for now

“u2j8DsVyT1azpJC_NG84Ty5KKthuCaPod7iI7w0LK9orSMhBEwwZDCxTWq4aYWAchc8 “

Last updated