Access Token Logistics


All parties in the AA ecosystem are identified by a Sahamati certified access token generated by the Token Server. These tokens are valid for 24hrs and therefore, will need to be refreshed once a day.

Generating An Access Token

The following section describes the headers and other parameters involved in the access token generation call to the Token Server.

Using Postman

In the Authorization tab for a request or collection, set the following details:

  1. Authorization Type: OAuth 2.0

  2. Grant Type as Client Credentials.

  3. Set Access Token URL to one of the URLs shared by Sahamati for PRODUCTION/UAT environments.

  4. Set Client ID same as the entity ID in Central Registry (CR)

  5. Set Client Secret shared by Sahamati

  6. Scope as openid.

  7. Client Authentication as Send as Basic Auth Header.

Decoding the Access Token


Any popular JWT decoder tool available online can be used, please ensure that the tool is safe and secure. Compromised access tokens can allow unauthorized access.

Visit and paste your access token to see the claims.

The decoded access token will have the following structure for Header and Payload:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "ZYeH2tvRkKKz6tXXEZ4GdZB8ykAW8sKZz2QyT-MoPEE"


 "exp": 1612886779,
 "iat": 1612850779,
 "jti": "bd9d1a78-3829-4c61-b52b-c8c925953916",
 "iss": "",
 "sub": "0ac207b8-676e-43ff-baa4-464d17f4608c",
 "typ": "Bearer",
 "azp": "AA00000000", // Same as ClientID
 "acr": "1",
 "scope": "openid email profile",
 "roles": "AA"

Refer to Access Token Schema for more details.

Last updated