description: Sahamati certification Test Scenarios for Financial Information Provider
Scenario ID | Feature Under Test | Description | Expected Result |
1001 | POST /Accounts/discover API for DEPOSIT | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1002 | POST /Accounts/discover API for TERM_DEPOSIT | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as TERM_DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1003 | POST /Accounts/discover API for RECURRING_DEPOSIT | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as RECURRING_DEPOSIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1004 | POST /Accounts/discover API for SIP | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as SIP success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1005 | POST /Accounts/discover API for CP | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as CP success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1006 | POST /Accounts/discover API for GOVT_SECURITIES | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as GOVT_SECURITIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1007 | POST /Accounts/discover API for EQUITIES | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as EQUITIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1008 | POST /Accounts/discover API for BONDS | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as BONDS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1009 | POST /Accounts/discover API for DEBENTURES | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as DEBENTURES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1010 | POST /Accounts/discover API for MUTUAL_FUNDS | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as MUTUAL_FUNDS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1011 | POST /Accounts/discover API for ETF | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as ETF success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1012 | POST /Accounts/discover API for IDR | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as IDR success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1013 | POST /Accounts/discover API for CIS | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as CIS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1014 | POST /Accounts/discover API for AIF | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as AIF success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1015 | POST /Accounts/discover API for INSURANCE_POLICIES | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as INSURANCE_POLICIES success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1016 | POST /Accounts/discover API for NPS | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as NPS success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1017 | POST /Accounts/discover API for INVIT | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as INVIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1018 | POST /Accounts/discover API for REIT | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as REIT success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1019 | POST /Accounts/discover API for OTHER | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as OTHER success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1020 | POST /Accounts/discover API for GSTR1_3B | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with FIType as GSTR1_3B success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1021 | POST /Accounts/discover API for All Supported FIType | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with all supported FIType success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1022 | POST /Accounts/discover API for combination of All Supported FIType | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with combination supported FIType(sampling rate 2) success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Response code should be 200 with account returned in response should be matching to test config data. |
1023 | POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect strong customer identifier | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect strong customer identifier error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NoAccountsFound |
1024 | POST /Accounts/discover API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API success response is received with txnid tracebility,API version and timestamp. | Http status code should be 200 in request and response should be same |
1025 | POST /Accounts/discover API with weak identifier | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with weak identifier error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1026 | POST /Accounts/discover API with ancilliary identifier | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with ancilliary identifier error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1027 | POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid customer id | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid customer id error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1028 | POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect timestamp value | Verify on making valid request to /POST /Accounts/discover API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1029 | POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1030 | POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect ver value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with incorrect ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
1031 | POST /Account/discover API with all identifier | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with all 3 type identifier success response is received and account coming in response is matching with test config data. | Http status code should be 200 |
1032 | POST /Account/discover API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with invalid JWS signature error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1033 | POST /Account/discover API with different AA customer id | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with customer id belonging to different AA error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1034 | POST /Account/discover API with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with valid customer details and invalid api key, error response is received | Http status code should be 401 |
1035 | POST /Account/discover API with JWS signature and aa api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/discover API with valid customer details with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA, error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1036 | POST /Accounts/link with sigle account details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with single account details success response is received with JSON structure. | Http status code should be 200 and response body should be valid according to spec |
1037 | POST /Accounts/link API with invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1038 | POST /Accounts/link API with invalid customer id | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with invalid customer id error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1039 | POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect timestamp value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1040 | POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect ver value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with incorrect ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
1041 | POST /Accounts/link API with unmasked account number | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with unmasked account number error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound |
1042 | POST /Accounts/link API with invalid account details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with invalid account details(i.e.,Fitye, accType) error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound |
1043 | POST /Accounts/link API with account details of two different user | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link API with account details of two different user (i.e. account mapped to 2 different identifier) error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be AccountNotFound |
1044 | POST /Accounts/link API as alternate AA | Verify on making valid POST /Accounts/link API request as alternate AA with details of regular AA error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1045 | POST /Accounts/delink API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 status should be DELINKED |
1046 | POST /Accounts/delink API invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1047 | POST /Accounts/delink API invalid customerAddress | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid customerAddress error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: invalid customerAddress format Error code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: customerAddress and linkRefNumber not mapped Error code: InvalidLinkRefNumber |
1048 | POST /Accounts/delink API incorrect timestamp value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with 15 min variation in timestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1049 | POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid ver value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
1050 | POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid linkRefNumber | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid linkRefNumber error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkRefNumber |
1051 | POST /Accounts/delink API request twice | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API twice and success response should recive with DELINKED sttaus for first request. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkRefNumber |
1052 | POST /Accounts/delink API as alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API as alternate AA with selected detils of regular AA error response is received | Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: customerAddress from different AA Error code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: linkRefNumber for different AA Error code: InvalidLinkRefNumber |
1053 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API valid for valid token and RefNumber | Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API for a valid token and RefNumber by linking a single account success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 status should be LINKED |
1054 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and valid RefNumber | Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and valid RefNumber error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidLinkToken |
1055 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and invalid RefNumber | Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and invalid RefNumber error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1056 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and invalid RefNumber | Verify on making request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid token and invalid refNumber error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
1057 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with as Alternate AA | Verify on making valid POST /Accounts/link/verify request as alternate AA with details of regular AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1: signature generated from alternate AA error-code : InvalidRequest sub-case 2: RefNumber generated for alternate AA error-code : InvalidRequest sub-case 3: token generated for alternate AA error-code: InvalidLinkToken |
1058 | POST /Account/Link API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with invalid JWS signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1059 | POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid JWS signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1060 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with invalid JWS signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1061 | POST /Account/Link API with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with valid customer and single account detail with invalid api key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
1062 | POST /Account/Link API with regular AA and alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Account/Link API with account detail with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1063 | POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with invalid api key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
1064 | POST /Accounts/delink API with regular AA and alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/delink API with account detail with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1065 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber linking a account with invalid api key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
1066 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber with regular AA and alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with valid token and RefNumber linking a account with JWS signature of regular A and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest/SignatureDoesNotMatch |
1067 | POST /Accounts/link/verify API invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Accounts/link/verify API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2001 | POST /Consent API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 |
2002 | POST /Consent API invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2003 | POST /Consent API invalid timestamp format | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid timestamp format error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2004 | POST /Consent API with non UUID consenId | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with non UUID consent id error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2005 | POST /Consent API with future time in createTimestamp | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with future time in createTimestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2006 | POST /Consent API with invalid consent Span time | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid consent span time error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2007 | POST /Consent API with invalid data consumer and data provider id | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid data consumer and data provider id error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2008 | POST /Consent API with invalid customerAddress format | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid customerAddress format error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2009 | POST /Consent API with each valid purpose object | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with each valid purpose object success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 |
2010 | POST /Consent API with invalid Accounts | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with one valid and one invalid account details error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2011 | POST /Consent API with invalid FIDataRange | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid FIDataRange error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2012 | POST /Consent API with invalid DataLife | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid DataLife error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2013 | POST /Consent API with invalid Frequency | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid Frequency error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2014 | POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature in signedConsent | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature in sigendConsent error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
2015 | POST /Consent API with invalid ConsentUse | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid ConsentUse error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2016 | POST /Consent API with repeated consentId | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with existing consentId error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2017 | POST /Consent API with invalid purpose | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid Purpose error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2018 | POST /Consent API with invalid ver | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
2019 | POST /Consent/Notification API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 |
2020 | POST /Consent/Notification API invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2021 | POST /Consent/Notification API with incorrect timestamp value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with 15min variation in timestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2022 | POST /Consent/Notification API with incorrect ver value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with incorrect ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
2023 | POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid notifier value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with invalid notifier error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidNotifier |
2024 | POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid ConsentStatusNotification value | Verify on making valid request to POST /Conent/Notification API with invalid ConsentStatusNotification error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2025 | POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid JWS Signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
2026 | POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid JWS Signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid JWS Signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
2027 | POST /Consent API with signedConsent of alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with signed consent of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2028 | POST /Consent API with details of alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with details of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2029 | POST /Consent/Notification API with details of alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with details of alternate AA error response is received. | sub-case 1: consent detail of alternate AA Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest sub-case 2: Notifier id of alternate AA Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidNotifier |
2030 | POST /Consent API with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with invalid api key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
2031 | POST /Consent API with alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent API with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
2032 | POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid api key | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with invalid api key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
2033 | POST /Consent/Notification API with alternate AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /Consent/Notification API with JWS signature of regular AA and aa api key of alternate AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3001 | POST /FI/request API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 |
3002 | POST /FI/request API with invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3003 | POST /FI/request API with invalid timestamp format | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid timestamp format error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3004 | POST /FI/request API with invalid ver | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with incorrect ver error response is received. | Http status code should be 404 Error code should be NosuchVersion |
3005 | POST /FI/request API with variation in timestamp | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with 15min variation in timestamp field error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3006 | POST /FI/request API with invalid consentObject | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid consentObject error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 sub-case 1:Random UUID as consentId Error-code:InvalidConsentId sub-case 2:ConsentId generated for different AA Error-code:InvalidConsentId sub-case 3:extra char at valid digitalSignature Error-code:signatureDoesNotMatch sub-case 4:Signature generated using different key error-code:signatureDoesNotMatch |
3007 | POST /FI/request API with invalid FIDataRange | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid FIDataRange error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidDateRange |
3008 | POST /FI/request API with invalid keyMaterials | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid keyMaterials error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidKey |
3009 | POST /FI/fetch API with valid details | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API success response is received. | Http status code should be 200 |
3010 | POST /FI/fetch API with invalid session id | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid session id error response is received. | Http status code to be 400 Error-code is InvalidSessionId |
3011 | POST /FI/request API for inactive consent | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for inactive consent error response is received. | sub-case 1:FI request for paused consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentPaused sub-case 2:FI request for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 3:FI request for revoked consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentRevoked sub-case 4:FI request for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 5:FI request for consent having start time 2 hrs future Http code : 400 Error code:InvalidRequest |
3012 | POST /FI/request API for different consentModes | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for different consent modes success response is received. | Http status code to be 200 |
3013 | POST /FI/request API for consent allowing fetch only once | Verify on making two valid request to POST /FI/request API for different Fetch type error response is received. | For fetchType as ONETIME Http-code : 400 or 403 Error-code : InvalidConsentUse or ConsentExpired For fetchType as Periodic Http-code: 400 Error-code:InvalidConsentUse |
3014 | POST /FI/fetch API with combinations of consentType | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for all combinations of consentType success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema | Http status code to be 200 |
3015 | POST /FI/fetch API for each month | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for each month for last one year success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema | Http status code to be 200 |
3016 | POST /FI/fetch API with combinations of DataFilter | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for all combinations of DataFilter success response is received, and FI data should match FItype schema | Http status code to be 200 |
3017 | POST /FI/fetch API for inactive consent | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for inactive consent error response is received. | sub-case 1:FI fetch for paused consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentPaused sub-case 2:FI fetch for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired sub-case 3:FI fetch for revoked consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentRevoked sub-case 4:FI fetch for expired consent Http code : 403 Error code:ConsentExpired |
3018 | POST /FI/request API for dilinked accounts | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API for delinked accounts error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 error code should be invalidRequest |
3019 | POST /FI/fetch API for dilinked accounts | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API for delinked accounts error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3020 | POST /FI/request API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid JWS signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
3021 | POST /FI/fetch API with invalid JWS signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid JWS signature error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
3022 | POST /FI/request API with non matching consentId and digital signature | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with non matching consentId and digital signature error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be SignatureDoesNotMatch |
3023 | POST /FI/request API with consent details of different AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with consent details of different AA error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidConsentId |
3024 | POST /FI/fetch API with consent details of different AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with consent details of different AA error response is received | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidConsentId |
3025 | POST /FI/fetch API with invalid API key | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with invalid API key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
3026 | POST /FI/fetch API with API key of different AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with API key of different AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3027 | POST /FI/request API with invalid API key | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with invalid API key error response is received. | Http status code should be 401 |
3028 | POST /FI/request API with API key of different AA | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/request API with API key of different AA error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3029 | POST /FI/fetch API invalid schematic value for each field | Verify on making valid request to POST /FI/fetch API with schematic error for one field each subcase error response is received. | Http status code should be 400 Error code should be InvalidRequest |
3030 | POST /FI/fetch API with invalid sessionId | Verify that on sending a FI fetch request with invalid sessionId | Subcase1 : HTTP should be 400 with InvalidRequest Subcase 2,3,4: HTTP should be 400 with InvalidSessionId |
4001 | GET /Heartbeat API | Verify on making valid request to GET /Heartbeat API success response is received. | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5001 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for Single account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5002 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for double account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5003 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5004 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user in All supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5005 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for Single account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5006 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for double account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5007 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user for each supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
5008 | Full Flow | Verify on making valid request to all API's for three account user in All supported FIType success response is received for each API | Http status code shoule be 200 |
Last updated